
Showing posts with the label living in the moment

Soul: Finding My Purpose and Living Mindfully Every Day

Soul came into my life at a time when I was questioning my purpose and struggling to find direction. The film follows Joe Gardner, a middle-school music teacher with dreams of becoming a professional jazz musician. Just as Joe gets his big break, an accident separates his soul from his body, leading him on a journey to discover the true meaning of life. From the very beginning, I was captivated by Joe's passion for music. It made me reflect on my own passions and what truly makes me feel alive. Joe's journey reminded me of the importance of pursuing what we love, even if it doesn't always lead to the outcomes we expect. One scene that particularly resonated with me was when Joe meets 22, a soul who has yet to find her purpose. Through their adventures, Joe learns that life isn't just about big achievements or grand successes; it's about appreciating the small, everyday moments. This message hit home for me. I realized that I had been so focused on my goals and aspir